Well, well, well...
What an interesting week. Two very unexpected things happened that I had to wrestle:
On Monday (Day 1!) Weight Watchers decided to launch a brand spankin' new plan! I thought I was going back to my old familiar ways but no, sir, I'm still trying to sort this new junk out. Luckily, the new plan is still very similar to the old one. The big differences are how you calculate points values (most point values went up!), fruit doesn't count against you AT ALL, and daily point allowance slightly increased as did the flex points.
Then, on Wednesday I woke up with an insanely terrible sore throat. It persisted without any progress until I went to the doctor on Friday and got myself diagnosed with strep. Thank the lord, a few hours after starting my antibiotics I started feeling way way way better.
This week was not picture perfect, but somehow it worked. I did nothing even close to my previous detoxes, I feel like I kind of ate what I wanted...but counted all my points, of course. I ate a can of spaghetti o's one night, I had a mini haagen dazs one night, and dark chocolate multiple days. I didn't have any caffeine and in my numerous cups of hot tea, I used white sugar or honey. I may have flubbed up with chemicals/artificial sweeteners a little with some sugar-free cough drops, but they were all that I had-and I NEEDED them. I got lots of sleep while I was sick but only two days of exercise. Through all this I managed to still save most of my flexes until the weekend so I could order a big ass cheeseburger while out with friends on Saturday. At the end of the day today I still had 8 flexes!
I can't help thinking that I'm doing this new plan wrong. I wasn't overly hungry, I didn't feel deprived...I feel good! And I didn't feel like a lard factory after eating that burger like I would have a week or two ago. I don't know if I lost any weight but maybe, just maybe after 6 days of not wearing my work pants they'll fit a little bit looser tomorrow.
My goals for this next week are going to be: more exercise, prepare more meals (not take them out of a can), and maybe try to have even more flexes left over at the end of the week? I also need to continue to get ample sleep, and remember to take my daily vitamins!
I can do this, folks. The ball is rolling...